
STB and middleware testing

Missing or erroneous measurable events
Each release of STB (set top box) middleware or data collection software release for errors in reporting measurable events (which can occur even in regression from a previously working version).
Callback ability
We have successfully solved problems in which a particular model of STB could not call back owing to an incompatible authentication standard, or STBs of several other models gradually lost the ability to call until rebooted because of a variety of bugs in the middleware (most outside the data collection software itself). Such problems can be maddeningly complex and their resolution requires masterful detective ability.
Data loss
Some STB models afflicted with specific bugs do return data, but not all the data they should return.
Log temporal frames
We also examine ancillary information, such as the temporal frame (start and end) of a log file, for completeness and conformance to specification. Lack of temporal frames or equivalent callback data can undermine intab determination.